
by Weike Wang · read October 25, 2019


I loved this novel – it was written in a similar detail-conscious, charming style as [b:The Idiot|30962053|The Idiot|Elif Batuman||51577226] and [b:Naïve. Super|604635|Naïve. Super|Erlend Loe||950536] and really made me feel like I was looking into the narrator's brain. I cared a lot about her, and I learned a lot from her reflections on her parents, science, and love while being invested in the threads about her best friend, tutoring, and her dog. The novel definitely reminded me that there's no simple 'one size fits all' approach to understanding and relating to our parents, and reading about the narrator's relationship with Eric gave me a taste of the patience and grace required for good relationships. An excellent read – thanks again Lianne for the rec!

I wonder if I should call him again, but it never goes beyond that. I try not to say his name or think it, but it's such a common name. I go into a CVS and see the air freshener brand Air Wick and leave without buying anything.

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